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  • Balearic yacht clubs criticise the transfer of 16.7 million from Ports IB to Ibavi to buy a building.

Balearic yacht clubs criticise the transfer of 16.7 million from Ports IB to Ibavi to buy a building.

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Balearic yacht clubs criticise the transfer of 16.7 million from Ports IB to Ibavi to buy a building.

The Association of Clubs Náuticos de Baleares(ACNB) has shown its "rejection" of the transfer of 16.7 million euros from the treasury of Ports IB to the Balearic Housing Institute (Ibavi) for the purchase of a property "not classified as social housing to the company Metrovacesa". In this way, the group of nautical entities, meeting this Friday in an ordinary assembly held at the facilities of the Club Nàutic Sant Antoni de Portmany, has expressed itself, as indicated by the association in a statement.

ACNB has argued that if this purchase operation is completed "it would mean the decapitalization of the public company that manages the regional ports" and, in its opinion, "it would compromise the investments planned in the improvement of the direct management nautical facilities, borne by with the dealers' money. «It is very striking that a  Acting Government, whose actions should be limited to processing the transfer of powers, intends to divert such a large amount from a public entity in order to acquire a property that, as recognized by the Executive itself, it does not meet the requirements to be considered as officially protected housing”, he pointed out.

From the association, they do not qualify whether "the building in question is luxury" due to the "little rigor" with which some administrations and politicians "use this adjective to refer to recreational boating", but it has considered that the cost of 293,000 euros for each floor "is very far from what could be considered as a social investment." Another aspect that they have called "alarming" of this "last-minute maneuver" is the "surprising" cancellation of the Board of Directors of Ports de les Illes Balears that "should authorize the decapitalization of the company." According to the association, this meeting was scheduled for this Friday and was suspended last Wednesday and "so far no explanation has been given in this regard".

"The ACNB understands that the transfer of capital cannot be carried out without being submitted to a vote in said body, no matter how much the purchase of the building has been authorized by the Department of Finance and Foreign Relations", it has reproached. In this sense, he has added that the opposite would mean an "intolerable interference" and of "dubious legality" in the functions of the highest decision-making body of the autonomous ports. The group of clubs has stated that "in no case" does it hold the management team of Ports IB responsible for this situation, which "without a doubt has been forced to star in this episode due to the political influence of others departments outside their competences”. "It is clear that those responsible for the regional ports do not want to be deprived of the public money they have collected from concessionaires and nautical users to be able to meet their common expenses and the maintenance of the facilities they manage," he added.< /p>

On the other hand, the general assembly of the ACNB has expressed its "confidence" that the new Government of Spain that emerged from the general elections on July 23, regardless of its color, will delve into "the legal recognition of the social function developed by yacht clubs located in ports of general interest, in line with the agreement reached at the last National Congress of Yacht Clubs held in La Palma». The ACBN has ensured that the Puertos del Estado body showed at that meeting its "willingness" to accompany the clubs in this claim, which it considered "fair by virtue of the contribution they make to society".

In the same way, he has stressed that the partial modification of the State Ports Law is the “most appropriate” formula so that the nautical and maritime ports of Palma, Maó, Ibiza and Portitxol, all of them “subject to great uncertainty , they can expand the port concessions that allow them to develop their sporting and social activities.”

Source: Ultima Hora

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