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  • Ibiza's nautical sector is also finding it difficult to complete its workforce

Ibiza's nautical sector is also finding it difficult to complete its workforce

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Ibiza's nautical sector is also finding it difficult to complete its workforce

The Association of Nautical Industries and Services of Ibiza and Formentera announces that it will once again hold the Nautical Fair in April 2024, after "overcoming the pandemic and the lack of supply of boats".

The Association of Nautical Industries and Services of Ibiza and Formentera, which belongs to Pimeef, held an information day last Tuesday at the Club Náutico Ibiza to mark the start of the 2023 season. At this event, which were invited about a hundred companies belonging to different sectors within the nautical activity (maintenance and ship repair, charter, consignees, sale of boats), the different factors that will mark the course of the season 2023 for the nautical were analysed.

The meeting highlighted the difficulty that companies are having to fill their workforces with qualified staff as there is no training centre on the island of Ibiza that provides vocational training in the maintenance of pleasure craft, to which is added the problem of access to housing if you try to use workers from outside Ibiza.

The loss of competitiveness of the island's companies was also analysed, due to the high prices of moorings and the high taxes levied on activity in the ports of Ibiza and Formentera.

Another of the issues discussed was the bad image for the sector generated by bad practices on the part of charter companies that come to do the season without mooring or headquarters in Ibiza.

In addition, the degree of impact that recent regulatory changes may have on the sector was analysed, such as the regulation on the decarbonization of the sector, the temporary clearance for boats on list 7 for rent or the luxury tax in the Balearic Islands for non-essential activities.

At the event held on Tuesday by the Association of Nautical Industries and Services of Ibiza and Formentera it was announced that the Nautical Fair will resume in 2024, when it will reach its 28th edition. That event will take place from 18 to 21 April, now that the pandemic and the lack of boat supplies have been overcome. 


Finally, the meeting valued the associationism and promoted care for the environment through conscious sailing courses aimed at skippers and crew members, as well as the dissemination of information on where to anchor in Ibiza and Formentera to avoid damaging the posidonia meadows with anchors.


FUENTE: Diario de Ibiza

"United by the passion for sailing in the Pitiusas"

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07800 Eivissa
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