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  • The future of the nautical sector is linked to sustainability

The future of the nautical sector is linked to sustainability

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The future of the nautical sector is linked to sustainability

The creation of the National Association of Electric Boats, the first 'ferry' between Ibiza and Formentera with electric propulsion or the sale and rental of emission-free boats are the first steps.

The protection of the environment, the commitment to electric boats and the greater awareness of boat owners and tourists for the care of the marine environment are increasingly evident. The road to sustainability has just begun with initiatives of all kinds.

Ramón Van Der Hooft, president of the Pimeef Nautical Association, is categorical in stating that "it is clear that the sector is committed to a sustainable future" and gives as an example that "shipyards and suppliers of propulsion components bring to the market for more sustainable products". In his words, "the consumption of state-of-the-art boats has dropped a lot and the trend is focused on electric, hybrid or hydrogen engines, especially in small boats," he says, while trusting that technology will advance towards a more sustainable future and soon reach medium and large boats."

The demand for emission-free boating is already a reality, and even Van Der Hooft believes that "when it comes to purchase it is always a determining factor. Society is aware of the times and asks the nautical sector to follow the same steps as the automotive sector", although it is realistic and considers that nautical "will go with some delay compared to the automotive because the volume is smaller and that moving through water requires much more power".

Some large shipping companies such as Baleària begin to bet on electricity. This company operates the first ferry, baptized with the name 'Cap de Barbaria', with electric propulsion that guarantees zero emissions in the approaches and stays in port. This ship already makes the maritime connection between Formentera.

On a smaller scale, some of the island's nautical companies can buy or rent electric boats for an emission-free holiday.

The steps towards electrification are so firm that in March of this year the National Association of Electric Boats (ANBE) was presented in Mallorca with the objectives of promoting the use of electric boats, working in line with the European mandate of energy transition and decarbonization and informing society about the benefits of electric navigation. The estimated turnover of companies engaged in electric propulsion at sea will exceed 3 million euros this year and it is expected that some 700 units of electric motors will be sold in Spain.

On the other hand, the IbizaPreservation Foundation is committed to the 'Conscious Management' initiative of the Ibizan association One Planet One Life aimed at minimizing the negative impacts of the nautical sector on the environment. It is about training professionals in the nautical sector in responsible navigation and sustainable tourism. Last year there was already a first course that will be repeated this season.

SOURCE: Diario de Ibiza

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