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  • VET for boat maintenance finally arrives in Ibiza

VET for boat maintenance finally arrives in Ibiza

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VET for boat maintenance finally arrives in Ibiza

The center of Can Marines will teach from September the average degree of Boat Maintenance, a claim from the Ibizan nautical sector due to the pressing lack of specialized personnel in these tasks. The training will consist of two academic years and the students will have, starting in the second term, a work contract and paid internships, as highlighted this Wednesday by the regional Minister of Education, Antoni Vera.

The demand for this series has been so insistent in the last decade that, among the eight protagonists of the presentation, the satisfaction of the president of the Nautical Association of the Petita i Mitjana Empresa d'Eivissa i Formentera (Pimeef), Ramon van der Hooft. "Qualified personnel are needed and we are unable to attract people from outside due to the housing problem," he lamented.


Van der Hooft guaranteed that all people who complete this new educational offer will benefit from stable work for the entire year. At the moment, given the high demand, a pleasure boat maintenance technician charges around 2,200 euros gross per month. "All salaries in the nautical sector in Ibiza are well above the agreement," indicated the Pimeef representative.

It so happens that Mallorca and Menorca already had this training speciality. Faced with this grievance, Van der Hooft and the president of Pimeef, Alfonso Rojo, reiterated their demands last January, as recalled by the general director of FP and Educational Planning, María Isabel Rooms. For this reason, Salas highlighted the immediate response and collaboration of the Can Marines centre to implement the studies for the next year.

The medium degree in Boat Maintenance will be taught as a dual modality, that is, with intensive practices in companies in the sector. The offer will begin with 15 places per course, although it is expected that, in the future, they may be increased with the expansion of Can Marines. Of course, this commitment is still pending planning and will not be in the short term, although it is one of the priorities of the next educational infrastructure plan for the Balearic Islands, assured Vera.

The practices

Varadero Ibiza is the company that has offered for the practical part of this training. The remuneration for students will be equivalent to a monthly salary of 1,300 gross euros for 40 hours per week. Of course, the duration of their days throughout the entire training still remains to be defined, according to the person in charge of Varadero Ibiza, Toni Ferrer.

This intermediate degree will consist of 2,000 hours between the two courses, of which 35% correspond to internships. At the moment, there is no approximate calculation of how many boat maintenance technicians are needed to cover the demand on the island, but the Pimeef representative assured that all promotions that come out of Can Marines during the coming years are guaranteed a professional exit in the sector.

For her part, the representative of the Chamber of Commerce, Dolores Tur, showed her satisfaction with this new offer and took the opportunity to ask the Government to implement a similar cycle for the automotive sector in Ibiza. , increasingly harmed by the lack of specialized labour.


SOURCE: Diario de Ibiza

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