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  • Home port requirement, the antidote to mainland charters

Home port requirement, the antidote to mainland charters

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Home port requirement, the antidote to mainland charters

The Conselleria del Mar is studying toughening the conditions to avoid the "legal but unfair intrusion" denounced by the Pimeef nautical employers' association.

The Conselleria del Mar y Ciclo del Agua is analyzing the legal requirement of requiring charters domiciled outside the Balearic Islands to have a base port in the islands to be able to provide the activity. "We are working on this idea," he told La Voz de Ibiza.

Toughening the demands on companies from outside the islands that travel in the summer to work in Ibiza and Formentera is one of the requests that the Pimeef nautical association conveyed to the councilor's team Juan Manuel Lafuente in the meeting they held at the beginning of November.

The president of the Nautical Association, Ramón van der Hooft, assured after the meeting to La Voz de Ibiza that "the boats that come from outside and anchor all the Summer in our coves is a huge unfair competition with boats that have staff here, offices here, moor here and do their maintenance cycle here and which, therefore, have higher costs. These boats leave nothing in the Balearic Islands, except 120 euros for the responsible declaration fees.

In an interview in La Voz de Ibiza, Van der Hooft described these practices as "legal but unfair intrusion." "We cannot compete with their prices because our costs are higher," he explained then.

FUENTE: La Voz de Ibiza

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