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  • Poor response to Mayor Triguero's call for participation in the Ibiza Harbour Special Plan

Poor response to Mayor Triguero's call for participation in the Ibiza Harbour Special Plan

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Poor response to Mayor Triguero's call for participation in the Ibiza Harbour Special Plan

Only eight entities have been part of the participation process: the Pimeef nautical businessmen's association, Apeam, the dockers' union, 'es Casino des Moll', Balearia, the Ibiza Yacht Club, Lío Ibiza and Ocibar, the current Marina Botafoc concessionaire.

Only eight allegations has been received by the Ibiza City Council in the period of public exhibition of the Special Plan for the Port of Ibiza.

In its appeal of December 9, 2023,  Mayor Rafa Triguero had encouraged participation, marking "the opportunity to define the best possible port." However, his invitation has fallen on deaf ears.

The period of allegations has not aroused interest in presenting any opinion, for example, in institutions such as the Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises of Ibiza and Formentera (PIMEEF); nor from the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Ibiza and Formentera; nor from the Official College of Architects of Ibiza and Formentera (COAIB) or the College of Civil Engineers, Canals and Ports (CICCP). No political party, nor any environmental entity, has had anything to say about the designed reorganization, in accordance with the determinations of the Delimitation of Port Spaces and Uses. Neither does the Formentera Council.

The deadline for submitting allegations was extended - at the request of Apeam - on February 19, for a period of 15 days. This additional time was used for them to present themselves seven of the eight allegations that exist today. That is to say that the first open process there was only one participation, contributed by the Association of Nautical Industries and Services of Ibiza and Formentera integrated into PIMEEF on February 9.

As reflected in the official list of the allegations presented, as of March 19, the presentations were arriving from the Ibiza Yacht Club; the Employers' Association of Maritime Activities Entrepreneurs of the Balearic Islands, Balearia Eurolíneas Marítimas S.A; the Port Stevedores Union of Ibiza and Formentera; the Cultural and Benevolent Recreational Society; Lio Ibiza S.L. and Ocibar S.A., the current concessionaire of Marina Botafoc.

Public allegations

Only eight entities have been part of the participation process: the association of nautical businessmen of Pimeef, Apeam, the dockers' union, 'es Casino des Moll', Balearia, the Club Náutico de Ibiza, Lío Ibiza and Ocibar, the current concessionaire of Marina Botafoc

So far, La Voz de Ibiza has reflected four of the presentations made. In the first case, the Association of Nautical Industries and Services of Ibiza and Formentera of PIMEEF presented allegations to the Special Plan to request doubling the extension of the maintenance area up to 30,000 meters in two concessions. Independent, one for large lengths and another for boats of less than 20 meters.

They also made contributions on: the space in the port for a vocational training center in pleasure-boat maintenance; the megayachts and the dry marinas in the slipways of the Club Náutico and Marina Botafoc.

On the other hand,  Several inconveniences were alerted from Apeam, among them security and operational problems that the transfer of traffic with Formentera to the commercial docks will entail, where freight traffic and dangerous goods will come from, which will further collapse Botafoc. They also maintain that many of the proposals lack technical and legal justification. Warnings from nullity, by economic impact and botches.

The stevedores destroyed the Special Plan for the Port of Ibiza, since it ignores "the main function" of facilitating the transport of goods and people. The State Coordinating Union of Port Stevedores (CEEP) rejected the redesign on the allegations: «It is not possible to accept, neither by the workers nor by the organization, the plan that is found on public display" and that it is unviable.

Finally, from the Navy entities asked to be able to use the des Martell building in the hands of the large dock:  the Association of Marina Merchants, the Association of Neighbors of the Marina Neighborhood of Ibiza, the Parish of San Salvador, the Association of Neighbors and Merchants of the Port of Ibiza and es Casino des Moll have questioned the lack of public space and facilities, parking and its poor accessibility.


SOURCE: La Voz de Ibiza

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